we develop solutions that bring
business ideas to life

our story

We want to have 100 million active end users of information systems developed by Concise.

Our full-stack teams with a #superagile approach make top-notch tech solutions based on microservices. As some of our clients have experienced a huge growth in their userbase we have been able to support them with solutions that scale well without compromising quality. The additional benefit of such solutions is that they are both cost-efficient and leave a far better economical footprint. Could we help increase the value in your business? Get in touch and let's talk!

concise at the end of 2022

sales revenue

12mln €

yearly growth


gazell company

5th time

  1. 2008 march

    Concise Systems is founded

    this is how the story began

  2. 2011 may

    start of the partnership with EasyPark

    still going strong and won't be stopping anytime soon

  3. 2012 january

    grand opening of Tallinn and Tartu offices

    our HQ is in Tallinn and our employees can work in either of the offices or choose hybrid work

  4. 2016 february

    reach 25 people

    it took another 2 years to double the amount of passionate enthusiasts

  5. 2016 march

    start of partnership with Brighter

    lasted for six beautiful years

  6. 2017 november

    start of partnership with Swedbank

    still going strong as well

  7. 2018 october

    reach 50 people

    it took another 2 years to double the amount of passionate enthusiasts

  8. 2019 january

    #superagile is born

    this is what we believe in

  9. 2021 january

    #superagile book is published

    you can read all about #superagile from our playbook: https://concise.ee/superagile

  10. 2021 june

    Concise accelerator

    25 startups competing for a prize to win a product development companion for a month

  11. 2021 august

    reach 100 people

    3 years after reaching 50, we have doubled to reach 100 concisers

  12. 2021 september

    hackaton together with Fairmus

    30 people locked for 36 hours on an island making miracles together with Fairmus (and yes, president Toomas Hendrik Ilves visited us by helicopter)

  13. 2022 april

    Katre Vahtra joins Concise

    new challenges with a new CEO

  14. 2022 august

    kickoff company strategy workgroup

    11 brave concisers started working and creating a new strategy to grow even bigger

  15. 2022 december

    finalising new sales strategy, vision and mission of Concise

    after 4 months of workshops, homeworks, analyzing we are happy with our result

  16. 2023 january

    kick-off with the new strategy

    1st Winter Strategy Day and testing new strategy and implementing it

  17. 2023 march

    reach 132 people

    no employees have resigned for 6 months and continue growing

our values

  1. we do things together

    We build trust - our empowered teams nurture stable and strong relationships.

    We work as a team - we create a sense of belonging through collaboration and open communication.

    We foster a positive work culture - every day we create a psychologically safe environment that supports well-being.

  2. we get things done

    We are driven by our passion - the commitment to our team and clients makes it easy to love what we do.

    We are reliable - we take ownership in building quality solutions to our clients’ complex problems.

    We are flexible - adapting to changes easily and navigating obstacles with resilience.

  3. we encourage growth

    We are creative - striving to find clever solutions to create excellent products.

    We are curious - embracing opportunities for development and learning.

    We welcome challenges - with our expertise and skills we strive for large and ambitious results while iterating in small chunks.